widens the Turnpike from 4 and 6 lanes to 8 lanes. The estimated project cost on this Design Bid Build project is $167 Million and it is
expected to last into late 2024. This win was possible because of dedication and hard work by all the team members. We have Cardno,
RK&K, Calvin Giordano and Eland as our sub-consultants.
side of the Turnpike. This requires the Southbound lanes to move within 20 ft. of the LWDD E2W Canal and the median to also move West.
As AT&T owns an easement throughout the median of the Turnpike, this also requires AT&T to move their fiber trunkline for all of South
Florida and the Caribbean.

reconstructing Hypoluxo Rd. Bridge while maintaining traffic on this busy thoroughfare;
replacing the existing Intelligent Transportation System trunkline while maintaining active communications including a new gantry;
over 290,000 TNS of asphalt including 21,000 TNS of Friction Course;
and the ancillary lighting, signing and pavement markings that go along with reconstructing 7 miles of the Turnpike.

...more than 105,000 LF

...until the new widened section is completed and opened and the median can be closed and
built and lastly, the northbound segment with 2nd endwall into the E2E canal

to facilitate widening